Join us

Members of The Friends of the City Churches enjoy a full programme of events, including guided walks, talks, concerts, visits and outings, and receive a lively, informative Friends' magazine, Skyline, three times each year.

Many Friends also become volunteer Church Watchers, welcoming visitors and worshippers to the City churches on a weekly basis.

We now have over 1000 Friends, with a growing number of supporters subscribing from the USA, Canada and continental Europe.

How to join

To join The Friends, please download and complete the appropriate form(s) below and post to our office at St Mary Abchurch, Abchurch Lane, London EC4N 7BA.

Subscription rates from 1 April 2022:

- £25 for individuals

- £30 couples/families at same address

Life Membership:

- £500 for individuals

- £600 joint membership

Download this form to join, renew, make a Gift Aid declaration and/or set up a Standing Order
  (PDF: 127Kb)

Full-page Standing Order Mandate  
(PDF: 63Kb)

Donate to the Friends of the City Churches

Through our Small Grants Programme and donations, The Friends of the City Churches assist the City of London churches with specific projects, support renovations and improvements, and help to maintain these historic buildings.

In the past few years, Friends of the City Churches' donations have helped:


Sort code: 30-95-74 (309574)
Account: 02894351
Payable to: Friends of the City Churches
Please include your surname in the reference so that we can identify your payment (e.g. 'Smith J donation')

To donate via Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)

Church Watcher Fiona Lukas

Church Watcher James Ashton

Church Watcher Susan Konowich

Church Watcher portraits are by
Mitzi de Margary